Friday, November 29, 2019
What Creates True Happiness an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by
What Creates True Happiness? The meaning of happiness is similar to all, that is happiness is a feeling of pleasure and gratification. The disparity of the concept of happiness among individuals lies in the question of what makes them happy and what meaning of happiness is true to them. Although some people might contest, especially those individuals who are moralistically disposed, happiness is at par with inner goodness (Russel 924). Need essay sample on "What Creates True Happiness?" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The ends of both ideologies match in that they both generate kindness and goodness in deed, however, the difference lies in the intention and the natural inclination to do it. Happiness is not grounded on the need to be righteous, but is rooted on an unconstrained desire to do what is morally good. People Usually Tell EssayLab professionals: I'm don't want to write my paper. Because I want to spend time with my friends Essay writer professionals propose: Order Papers On Essaylab.Com If we live by morals and values, such that we speak of principles and morality, or even righteousness, and our actions are based on these guiding ideologies, we deprive ourselves of the true meaning of happiness. Happiness is something that comes from within and is demonstrated through impulsive desires to do what is morally upright. People who come across these ideas might not be able to distinguish the difference from the two exactly opposite thoughts, and to point out matters clearly, the moral view of upholding principles and moral ideologies become questionable because of their tendencies "to stress the act rather than the state of mind" (Russel 924). Happiness brought about by the recognition of successes and acts of goodness is not leaning towards the true meaning of happiness. An individuals state of mind is all too important in determining the essence of true happiness. Happiness should not be planned, uptight, and neither imposed on the self. Happiness is a spontaneous reaction that springs up and sends out impulses to do just the right things, say the right words, think of the right feelings and emotions without the element of counting how many good things you did, kind words you said, or good thoughts in your mind. Let me pitch in a simple example about the difference between the moralistic view and the hedonistic view, as coined by Russel. Say, for example just the simple act of going to church creates a defining line between the two principles of happiness. If a man goes to church, simply because he is drawn to attending the Sunday mass, maybe to thank the Divine Being for the blessings he received or maybe to help out in causes that the particular church supports, his behavior becomes a basis for what true happiness is. On the other hand, if a man goes to church because he thinks it is his moral obligation to do so, and his happiness to go to church is rooted from his moral obligation, then his notion of happiness is flawed, not too mention, it is not happiness at all. True happiness is measured by the goodness of the heart that is reflected by what you do, and not by the goodness of what you do alone. In addition, true happiness is not the kind of happiness that one desires for himself to be. True happiness is not bounded on just the self, but the self as just a small piece of the large puzzle. True happiness is such that "a man comes to feel himself part of the stream of life" (Russel 925). The true essence of happiness is sharing it with others and giving it back to the world. I personally believe that nobody deserves happiness, and that if a man becomes truly happy, that happiness is a rare blessing that only a few people may experience. Therefore, if a man becomes happy, I believe he should give it back to whoever he owes it to, such the idea that blessings should be shared to other people. Under this context of happiness, the expression of love ("Creating Happiness in One Step") and compassion for other people, for nature, and for the Divine Being is a simple way of creating a ripple of happiness within and sharing it to others. Happiness in this manner is the same as the first principle of doing good because it just seems so right to do so. This idea connects to the inspiration of an unselfish happiness, and unselfish happiness abounds where happiness goes beyond the idea of the self. Taking it from the moralistic view, the principles of morality is guided by the idea of how things are supposed to be in this world. The only issue regarding this matter is that, at one point in our lives, we realize that all the things that should happen do not actually happen. The point here is that, when a man feels happy and wants other people to feel happy too because that is how life should be, he should remember that he can contribute as much in order to make other people happy. As I always experience, there is always joy in making others happy too. Furthermore, happiness does not spring up with just the flicker of a hand. It takes a lot of work to be happy when we talk about all the negativities in life. I guess, the idea here, which is opposite to the moralistic views self-denial, is that individuals should be able to accept the imperfections of life. Aside from the good life that Russel said, having a happy life is somewhat connected to contentment (Cutler 932). Soaring above all the failures and mistakes is one recipe for happiness (Van Warmerdam). If a man is contented, he lives his life like a log floating in a river. A man who is happy is ready to go where life takes him. It is in the acknowledgement of an individuals role in this world that allows him to believe he is here to experience all that life is going to bring him, no matter what; and no matter what, he is happy, because he believes in it. Agreeably so, a man who is not afraid to face his end, is happy. Works Cited "Creating Happiness in One Step." Life by Intent LLC. 14 Apr. 2008 Cutler, Howard C. "Inner Contentment." date the article was published. pp. 932. place it was published: publisher. Russel, Bertrand. "The Happy Life." date the article was published. pp. 924-925. place it was published: publisher. Van Warmerdam, Gary. "Focus on the Negative." 12 Apr. 2008. WordPress. 14 Apr. 2008
Monday, November 25, 2019
Three different types of imagery Essay Example
Three different types of imagery Essay Example Three different types of imagery Paper Three different types of imagery Paper There are three different types of imagery each different type is used to make a part of text seem particularly realistic as if the person can actually see what is happening. The three types of imagery are: Similes are when the text says something is like another as a comparison e. g. cold as ice. Metaphors are when the text says something is something else e. g. the wind was a slap in the face. The third type if imagery is personification this is where an object is given human properties e. g. the wind whipped through the sky. Shakespeare employed imagery so often for various reasons. The scenery for his plays were very basic so he needed to build up a mental image using words. Also Shakespeares plays were performed in hot mid summer days so the images had to take the audience to a different location such as a castle at night. Shakespeare implemented imagery for other reasons such as adding to the theme of the play or making a certain characters speech more dramatic. Imagery contributes heavily to the main theme of the play which is love the first cluster of images I have picked out is from act 1 scene 5 where Romeo sees Juliet for the first time. In this scene Romeo compares Juliet to so many beautiful things he uses metaphors such as as a rich jewel in an ethiops ear. And so shows a snowy dove trooping with crows The first line of the speech is personified as it is impossible to teach a torch O she doth teach the torches to burn bright Theses quotes tie in with the theme of the play- love as they are all examples of Romeos infatuation with Juliet and how she looks. He describes her as, as pretty as jewels and doves, both figures of unequaled beauty. Also he says about how she has this quality that lights up the room and outshines even the torches in the room. This shows how highly Romeo regards Juliet by all the over exaggeration in his speech. Another example of a cluster where vast amounts of imagery is used is on page 45 where Juliet pines about the fact that Romeo is a Montague. She tells us how she loathes the name Montague with such passion but at the same time loves Romeo with the same force and her feelings are confusing her. This shows that hatred and love (the theme of the play) are very closely related and shows that one emotion can stem from another my only love sprung from my only hate. She also questions why it is that Romeo was hidden from her until the impression that all Montagues are vile was embedded into her train of thought so that it would be impossible to fall in love with one. Too early soon unknown, and known too late. The next line shows what an impact this feeling of love has had on Juliet Prodigious birth of love it is to me. This shows the epic proportions to which her love for Romeo has exploded. Imagery can also have a dramatic effect on a play it gives the audience an insight into how the characters think and feel such as when Romeo expresses in Act 1 Scene 5 how he truly feels about Juliet he calls her Beauty too rich for use. This could be perceived as Romeo describing Juliet as a diamond that is too valuable to be used in a piece of jewelry. Another use of dramatic imagery in Shakespeares plays is to create tension and atmosphere an example of this is where Tybalt is enraged at the appearance of Romeo and the other Montagues at the Capulet party this sparks an immediate feeling of hatred and tension is also built on what Tybalt will do to Romeo Tis he, that villain Romeo. He speaks sharply to keep pace in the speech. The third dramatic effect of imagery is that it reveals social values and strong religious beliefs held by many people in Elizabethan period. One example of this is the manner in which Juliet and Romeo play on the idea of saints and sin in act 1 scene 5 this shows that both people take their religion very seriously, so much so that is frequently used in their everyday speech. Sin from my lips? I believe that imagery plays a very important part in all of Shakespeares plays as it builds on the core aspects of both the play and its themes, they can also be used as improvisation on various occasions so as the audience gets a better feel of the events of the play.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Network Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Network Security - Essay Example But with this ease of information access comes the issue of security. With the increase of information flow, there has been an increase in the number of attacks on information by hackers. Attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Spoofs, Sniffing, etc. have increased with the increase in the availability of hacking tools which are free of cost. Valuable information is lost in the process. For example, if a customer buys a product of a particular organization through their web-site and a hacker presents himself as the organization and receives the money from the customer, valuable information such as the ID of the customer, his credit card numbers, his passwords are all stolen by the hacker. Therefore such information has to be transferred securely over the Internet. Encryption is the most common way of securing valuable information while transmitting over the Internet (Rahman, 2003). Networks are secured in a different manner. They are secured using tools called "Firewalls". W henever transactions or information between a customer and an organization are being carried out, a particular pattern is followed. Firewalls recognize and allow only these transactions or processes to be carried out and block out all the unrecognized patterns. By implementing Firewalls, most of the attacks from the hackers can be kept out. Securing a network just does not happen. There are many issues to be considered when making policies for network security. The three main issues back in the earlier days were Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. Due to the advances in the technologies, these issues have been mostly resolved. But in the present day Networks, other issues have appeared. These issues will eventually result in the breaching of confidentiality, integrity and availability thereby defeating the cause of coming up with Network Security policies. We can ask the following questions to resolve the recent issues related to Network Security: Should Identity Manager be put back to the User Identity Control from the top down approach has traditionally been imposed by all Enterprises and Governments. But this has resulted in resilience from the users. Users have always found it difficult to cope up with the time constraints resulting from the above mentioned approach. This approach looks increasingly antiquated for the present day user needs. Microsoft's Kim Cameron once noted that: "A system that does not put users in control will - immediately or over time - be rejected" (Dean, 2006). This is true because users expect real fast response and do not like to waste their time in waiting for a response from the requested network or system. Identity Control being at the Server side is the key to ensuring trusted relationship for billions of business transactions all over the world. Identity Control being at the server side makes it possible for the replying Network to ensure that the keys constructed are secure. Since the control will be present with the server, no user will have chance of even attempting to break the key and steal the information being transferred. At the macro level, the advantages that accrue in the form of innumerable applications and services,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Examine the shifting values of civil liberties in the new millennium Research Paper
Examine the shifting values of civil liberties in the new millennium that has seen greater public tolerance of government surveillance and record-keeping - Research Paper Example There have been several events that have triggered the re-evaluation of the way civil privacy protection is balanced with police surveillance. During the period that has passed after the terrorist attack of 9/11, there have been diverse changes being implemented in the technological advances; federal law and the interpretation of privacy safeguards by the courts have created an expansion in the ways through which the police may facilitate surveillance of different civil activities or in the ways through which they can frisk citizens in public places for any particular reason. The rationale of this article is to scrutinize the different factors that may promote the escalation of police surveillance with regards to the type of effects that police surveillance has on civil life and privacy rights while also drawing conclusions on newspaper reports on the situations whereby issues have been raised in regards to stop-and-frisk policy. ( (3) /escalating.pdfââ¬Å½) The way people view privacy and surveillance have been dramatically altered over the years and the change has been more evident in the balance between individual privacy rights and police surveillance authority. A significant section of the American public attributes the change to the 9/11 event to have catalyzed the search authority that has been related to the police surveillance. Surveillance has been modified and made quite inclusive of elements that were not previously connected to threat warnings, and with the advances made in the technology platform, a thin line has to be drawn as to what is acceptable by law and what should be considered as interference with the rights of an individual. Any form of threat to the safety of the American public has been defined in the constitution with the recommendations on the specific ways through which these issues of threat to national security have to be handled
Monday, November 18, 2019
Reliance Industries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Reliance Industries - Essay Example Poza notes that as per the regulations outlined in Hindu succession laws, the eldest son of the household is entitled to become the successor after the death of the familyââ¬â¢s head (341). Consequently, this notion is also reflected in Hindu traditions and customs which favor the first-born of the family. Mukeshââ¬â¢s arrival in the business, in many ways, echoed this custom as he embarked upon his responsibilities in a fashion that was similar to that of his father (Grant and Nicholson 44). Assessing the relationship that the sons shared with their parents it is understood that Dhirubhai was particularly fond of Mukesh and therefore, chose to discuss the affairs of the business with him before seeking Anilââ¬â¢s point of view (Poza 348) which could have irked Mukeshââ¬â¢s sibling. Another important role that the parents played for the sake of Reliance Industriesââ¬â¢ and for their family was that of mediators. Whenever conflicts between the brothers arose, it was Dhi rubhai who took to a stand to resolve the issues by warning his sons and taking an action in order to ensure that family disputes did not act as hurdles in the achievement of business objectives (Poza 349). By March 2005, tensions between the brothers over the control and management of Reliance Industries had escalated which caused media scrutiny on the matter to rise. Thus, it was Kokilaben who realized that the gravity of the situation begged for her intervention. Grant and Nicholson state that despite of her unwillingness to do so, Kokilaben initiated a process of arbitration that ultimately resulted in the distribution of the companyââ¬â¢s assets (49). Therefore, this component of the analysis certainly indicates the instrumental role of Dhirubhai and Kokilaben in Reliance Industries which could have not succeeded without their participation in its affairs. The succession of Reliance Industries to the next generation cannot be termed as a monumental success. In order to asses s this statement, the paper explores the ramifications of the succession from the point of view of the Ambani family and from a business perspective. Dhirubhai was always a firm believer in the concept of unity and trusted this notion as an ââ¬Å"article of faithâ⬠, this observation first surfaced when he refused to divide Reliance upon the suggestion of his brothers (Grant and Nicholson 43). Similarly, Dhirubhaiââ¬â¢s disapproval of family disputes and rifts especially between his sons is clearly observable from the fact that he would personally intervene to resolve any conflicts between Mukesh and Anil (Poza 348). Therefore, it can be stated Dhirubhai Ambani never wanted Reliance Industries to be partitioned. Grant and Nicholson claim that Kokilabenââ¬â¢s reluctance in dividing Reliance Industries was unequivocally clear when she intervened to resolve the issue in 2005 with the assistance of K V Kamath and Nimesh Kampani (49). The authors note that the continuation of Reliance Industries as a single entity was to be a representation of Dhirubhaiââ¬â¢s legacy which could not survive due to the dispute between Mukesh and Anil (Grant and Nicholson 49). Henceforth, the succession of the great Indian company cannot be termed as successful from the perspective of the Ambani fam
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Replica Synchronization in Distributed File System
Replica Synchronization in Distributed File System J.VINI Racheal ABSTRACT The Map Reduce framework provides a scalable model for large scale data intensive computing and fault tolerance. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to improve the I/O performance of the distributed file systems. The technique is used to reduce the communication bandwidth and increase the performance in the distributed file system. These challenges are addressed in the proposed algorithm by using adaptive replica synchronization. The adaptive replica synchronization among storage server consists of chunk list which holds the information about the relevant chunk. The proposed algorithm contributing to I/O data rate to write intensive workload. This experiments show the results to prove that the proposed algorithm show the good I/O performance with less synchronization applications. Index terms ââ¬â Big data, distributed file system, Map Reduce, Adaptive replica synchronization INTRODUCTION The distributed environment which is used to improve the performance and system scalability in the file system known as distributed file system [1]. It consists of many I/O devices chunks of data file across the nodes. The client sends the request to the metadata server who manages all the whole system which gets the permission to access the file. The client will access the storage server which is corresponding to it, which handles the data management, to perform the real operation from the MDS The distributed file system of MDS which manages all the information about the chunk replicas and replica synchronization is triggered when any one of the replica has been updated [2]. When the data are updated in the file system the newly written data are stored in the disk which becomes the bottleneck. To solve this problem we are using the adaptive replica synchronization in the MDS MapReduce is which is the programming primitive , programmer can map the input set and obtaining the output and those output set send to the reducer to get the map output. In the MapReduce function it is written as the single node and it is synchronized by MapReduce framework [3]. In distributing programming models which perform the work of data splitting, synchronization and fault tolerance. MapReduce framework is the programming model which is associated with implementation for processing large data sets with distributed and parallel algorithm on a cluster of nodes. Hadoop MapReduce is a framework for developing applications which can process large amounts of data up to even multiple terabytes of data-sets in parallel on large clusters which includes thousands of commodity nodes in a highly fault tolerant and reliable manner. The input and the output of the MapReduce job are stored in Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). RELATED WORKS GPFS [4] which allocates the space for the multiple copies of data on the different storage server which supports the chunk replication and it writes the updates to all the location. GPFS keeps track of the file which been updated to the chunk replica to the primary storage server. Ceph[5] has replica synchronization similar ,the newly written data should be send to all the replicas which are stored in different storage server which is before responding to the client. Hadoop File System [6] the large data are spitted into different chunk and it is replicated and stored on storage servers, the copes of the any stripe are stored in the storage server and maintained by the MDS, so the replica synchronization are handled by the MDS, the process will be done when new data written on the replicas. In GFS [7], there are various chunk servers were the MDS manages the location and data layout. For the purpose of the reliability in the file system the chunk are replicated on multiple chunk ser vers; replica synchronization can be done in MDS. The Lustre file system [8], which is known for parallel file system, which has replication mechanism For better performance Mosa Store [9] which is a dynamic replication for the data reliability. By the application when one new data block is created, the block at one of the SSs is stored in the MosaStore client, and the MDS replicate the new block to the other SSs to avoid the bottleneck when the new data block is created. Replica synchronization is done in the MDS of MosaStore. The Gfarm file system [10] the replication mechanism is used for data replication for the reliability and availability. In the distributed and parallel file system, the MDS controls the data replication and send the data to the storage servers; this makes pressure to the MDS. Data replication which has the benefits to support for better data access was the data is required and provide data consistency. In the parallel file system [11], this improves the I/O throughput, data duration and availability by data replication. The proposed mechanism, according to the cost of analysis the data pattern are analysed a data replication is done, but replication synchronization is done in the MDS. In the PARTE file system, the metadata file parts can be replicated to the storage servers to improve the availability of metadata for high service [12]. In detail we can say that in the PARTE file system, the metadata file parts can be distributed and replicated to the corresponding metadata into chunks on the storage servers, the file system in the client which keeps the some request of the metadata which have been sent to the server. If the active MDS crashed for any reason, then these client backup request are used to do the work bu the standby MDS to restore the metadata which are lost during the crash. iii.PROPOSED SYSTEM OVERVIEW The adaptive replica synchronization mechanism is used to improve the I/O throughput, communication bandwidth and performance in the distributed file system. The MDS manages the information in the distributed file system which is split the large data into chunks replicas. The main aim of using the mechanism adaptive replica synchronization because the storage server cannot withstand the large amount of the concurrent read request to the specific replica, adaptive replica is triggered to the up to chunk data to the other related SSs in the hadoop distributed file system [13][5].The adaptive replica synchronization will be preformed to satisfy heavy concurrent reads when the access frequency to the target replica is greater than the predefined threshold. The adaptive replica synchronization mechanism among SSs intends to enhance the I/O subsystems performance. Fig 1: Architecture of replica synchronization mechanism A. Big data Preparation and Distributed data Storage Configure the storage server in distributed storage environment. Hadoop distributed file system consists of big data, Meta Data Servers (MDS), number of replica, Storage Server (SS). Configure the file system based on the above mentioned things with proper communication. Prepare the social network big data. It consists of respected user id, name, status, updates of the user. After the data set preparation, it should be stored in a distributed storage server. B. Data update in distributed storage The user communicates with distributed storage server to access the big data. After that, user accesses the big data using storage server (SS). Based on user query, update the big data in distributed storage database. By updating the data we can store that in the storage server. C. Chunk list replication to storage servers The chunk list consists of all the information about the replicas which belongs to the same chunk file and stored in the SSs. The primary storage server which has the chunk replica that is newly updated to conduct the adaptive replica synchronization , when there is a large amount of the read request which concurrently passes in a short while with minimum overhead to satisfy this that mechanism is used. D. Adaptive replica synchronization The replica synchronization will not perform synchronization when one of the replicas is modified at the same time. The proposed mechanism Adaptive replica synchronization which improve the I/O subsystem performance by reducing the write latency and the effectiveness of replica synchronization is improved because in the near future the target chunk might be written again, we can say that the other replicas are necessary to update until the adaptive replica synchronization has been triggered by primary storage server. In the distributed file system the adaptive replica synchronization is used to increase the performance and reduce the communication bandwidth during the large amount of concurrent read request. The main work of the adaptive synchronization is as follows: The first step is chunk is saved in the storage servers is initiated .In second step the write request is send one of the replicas after that the version and count are updated. Those SS update corresponding flag in the chunk list and reply an ACK to the SS. On the next step read/write request send to other overdue replicas .On other hand it should handle all the requests to the target chunk and the every count is incremented according to the read operation and frequency is computed. In addition, the remaining replica synchronization for updated chunks, which are not the hot spot objects after data modification, will be conducted while the SSs are not as busy as in working hours. As a result, a better I/O bandwidth can be obtained wi th minimum synchronization overhead. The proposed algorithm is shown in algorithm. ALGORITHM: Adaptive replica synchronization Precondition and Initialization: 1) MDS handles replica management without synchronization, such as creating a new replica; 2) Initialize [Replica Location] [Dirty], [cnt], and [ver] in Chunk List when the relevant chunk replicas have been created. Iteration: 1: while Storage server is active do 2: if An access request to the chunk then 3: / Other Replica has been updated / 4: if [Dirty] == 1 then 5: Return the latest Replica Status; 6: break; 7: end if 8: if Write request received then 9: [ver] ââ I/O request ID; 10: Broadcast Update Chunk List Request; 11: Conduct write operation; 12: if Receiving ACK to Update Request then 13: Initialize read count 14: [cnt] ââ 1; 15: else 16: /Revoke content updates / 17: Undo the write operation; 18: Recover its own Chunk List; 19: end if 20: break; 21: end if 22: if Read request received then 23: Conduct read operation; 24: if [cnt] > 0 then 25: [cnt] ââ [cnt] + 1; 26: Compute [Freq] 27: if [Freq] >= Configured Threshold then 28: Issue adaptive replica synchronization; 29: end if 30: end if 31: end if 32: else 33: if Update Chunk List Request received then 34: Update chunk List and ACK 35: [Dirty] ââ 1; break; 36: end if 37: if Synchronization Request received then 38: Conduct replica synchronization; 39: end if 40: end if iv.PERFORMANCE RESULTS The replica in the target chunk has been modified by the primary SSs will retransmits the updated to the other relevant replicas, and the write latency is which is required time for the each write ,by proposing new mechanism adaptive replica synchronization the write latency is measured by writing the data size. Fig:2 Write latency By the adaptive replica synchronization we can get the throughput of the read and write bandwidth in the file system. We will perform both I/O data rate and the time processing operation of the metadata. Fig.3.I/ O data throughput VCONCLUSION In this paper we have presented an efficient algorithm to process the large amount of the concurrent request in the distributed file system to increase the performance and reduce the I/O communication bandwidth. Our approach that is adaptive replica synchronization is applicable in distributed file system that achieves the performance enhancement and improves the I/O data bandwidth with less synchronization overhead. Furthermore the main contribution is to improve the feasibility, efficiency and applicability compared to other synchronization algorithm. In future, we can extend the analysis by enhancing the robustness of the chunk list REERENCES [1] Benchmarking Mapreduce implementations under different application scenarios Elif Dede Zacharia Fadika Madhusudhan,Lavanya ramakrishnan Grid and Cloud Computing Research Laboratory,Department of Computer Science, State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [2] N. Nieuwejaar and D. Kotz, ââ¬Å"The galley parallel file system,â⬠Parallel Comput., vol. 23, no. 4/5, pp. 447ââ¬â476, Jun. 1997. [3] K. Shvachko, H. Kuang, S. Radia, and R. Chansler, ââ¬Å"The Hadoop distributed file system,â⬠in Proc. 26th IEEE Symp. MSST, 2010, pp. 1ââ¬â10, [4] M. P. I. Forum, ââ¬Å"Mpi: A message-passing interface standard,â⬠1994. [5] F. Schmuck and R. Haskin, ââ¬Å"GPFS: A shared-disk file system for large computing clusters,â⬠in Proc. Conf. FAST, 2002, pp. 231ââ¬â244, USENIX Association. [6] S. Weil, S. Brandt, E. Miller, D. Long, and C. 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Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers
Absence of Beauty à à à à à Edgar Allan Poe sees evil as a living threat to man because he lives in its presence. Parallel with the tragedies in his own life relating to the deaths of his young mother, wife and others he loved in his life. It is no wonder that he sees the absence of beauty as evil, because he felt the terror and tragedy of the loss of his own life. In his stories he illustrates how the absence of beauty is the essence of evil. In “The Tell Tale Heart'; when the old man’s eyes is closed he would not be killed because his eye is not considered ugly. That is why each night the man goes into his room to see if the eye is open. “… but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work; for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.';(139) The eye when open represents the ugliness of the old man. When that ugliness is present, beauty is gone and evil is present. The ugliness of the old man’s open eye is the cause for his killer to kill him because evil is present and beauty is no where to be found. à à à à à In “The Fall of the House of Usher'; Madeline is beautiful once she gets sick her brother, Roderick, gets sick and everything seems to fall apart. Madeline’s beauty had kept the evil down and covered up. As Madeline gets sicker and sicker it gets worse and worse. Finally when Madeline dies beauty no longer exists Roderick goes crazy and everything is destroyed because beauty was not there to cover up all the evil that they possessed. The absence of beauty caused all evil to break loose. The house collapses and Roderick is destroyed. à à à à à In “The Black Cat'; the cat to him was beautiful and precious. “This latter was a remarkably large and beautiful animal, entirely black, and sagacious to an astonishing degree.';(12) Beauty is what one person sees through his own eyes. “The cat followed me down the steep stairs, and nearly throwing me headlong, exasperated me to madness.';(18) Once he saw that the cat was no longer beautiful it causes him to murder his wife because all his evil was hidden and once that beauty that he saw died and became none existing everything he was hiding especially his evil side came out caused him to kill.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Movie: Crash / Movie Review
Crash is a movie which tackles racial and social conflicts in Los Angeles, California. It was directed by Paul Haggis and it was released in the international market by the year of 2005. Haggis was inspired by a true to life event wherein his own car was carjacked in 1991. The story shows how human beings were born inherently good, yet as they grow older, people tends to have their own prejudices in life. Crash is a movie which depicts prejudice, racism, and racial norms. The location of the film was good in that Los Angeles is home to different people, of different culture and different beliefs.Crash begin when a number of people are engaged in a multi-car mishap. From then on, the audiences were brought to the day before the crash happened. It allowed the audiences to see the lives of the characters of the story, as well as the problems and the dilemmas they came across on that fateful day. An LADP cop was featured while he was attempting to get medical assistance for his sire. How ever, he encountered a problem with a black HMO clerk who would not allow in giving his sire consent to see a different doctor.This led to him turning his annoyance out on a black couple in the course of a traffic stop. Sandra Bullock, a rich girl, along with a District Lawyer (Brandon Fraser) was then on showed being carjacked by 2 black juveniles. In turn, Sandra released her fury on a Mexican locksmith who, at that point in time, was innocently working on the door locks of their house. Later on, the Mexican locksmith was once more deprived of hid own dignity by a Persian store-proprietor. The story depicts how each character shows their good side, only for the movie to later on show their negative side in the story.Crash, by Higgins portrays the way we tackle every facet in our daily lives which could be linked to the worldââ¬â¢s class and racism. Each plot processions were constructed in such a way that tackles racism and class in the center. The movie itself allows the audie nce to relate to a variety of emotions. Higgins is exceptional by making supplementing each act with certain turn of fates which leaves the audiences in certain thoughts even after the movie was already over.Each characters of the story leads a complex life and though we were allowed a brief view of what their lives were, we were still unable to fully comprehend the intricacies of each character. The movie was constructed in such a way that it allows us the opportunity to relate ourselves with that of the characters. The film was successful in tackling the problems and hazards of stereotyping and racism in todayââ¬â¢s society.They were able to accomplish this goal by inspecting personal apprehensions of other cultures, biases, marginalization, and racism from the numerous standpoints of the characters in the film. In a way, Crash dares its viewers to question the beliefs and biases they held within themselves. In the end, the movie was able to make a statement that each and every one of us has our own set of prejudices which at times leads us to making a wrong move or decision.In the short period of two days, the protagonists in the movie look as though they are interwoven with each other. The characters appear to be caught up with their personal encounters with racism. A good example of this would be the couple, Christine Thayer and Rick Cabot. When they arrived home after being carjacked, Christine was both frantic and disturb, she claimed to know better and believed that there is little chance of the same thing ever happening again.She even went as far as giving those two Black juveniles the benefit of the doubt. People tends to act the same way Christine did, after we experience something bad or traumatic we prefer to forget about the incident and move on. At times we even try to think why people do certain things. We would certainly feel better if we know that what they stole from us was used for good reason such as feeding their family than to think th at they did something terrible simply because they think that doing that thing is fun or the like.Another scene in the story which specifically points towards the issue of racism is when Matt Dillon pulled over a black couple for no apparent reason at all. If we were one of the couples surely we would be shocked to be pulled over when we know very well that we did not commit any crime. The couple does not have any inkling whatsoever that the only reason they were pulled over were linked with racism and Dillonââ¬â¢s anger towards the Black man who refused to allow his father to see another doctor.The movie was able to make us realize that we face the same instances on our daily lives. Although slavery was already abolished the long ago rift between the Blacks and the Whites still exists. This is all true to every people of different color all around the world. We are then faced with the issue of color. Is color that important for other race to be so racist with the other culture? Personally I believe that color is only skin deep and that is why I find it hard to fathom why people tends to go racist over that of people of other color or ancestry.However the movie made me realize that although I long ago believed that color is of no importance and that I went to great measure to be sure that I treat each people I come across as fairly as I can, I realized that I was not really all that fair with my dealings with other people. Sometimes, although we are unaware of it, we tend to get racist. In the film we were shown an episode wherein Sandra Bullock let out her anger on the Mexican locksmith fixing her door.This particular incident made me realize the fact that we actually tends to do things that way. We usually let out our frustration on other people especially if we believe that our rank is far superior to them. As I have mentioned before, though unaware, we sometimes commit racism towards other culture. Maybe it is all due to that hidden feeling lying somewh ere there for all of us. It maybe that belief or the inherent wish for our culture to be the best, it may have stemmed up from our inherent belief that our race is far superior to that of another. In reality, we are thrown into a world full of hostility and violence. In a way, I commend the ability of the movie to make its audiences question their own biases in life.For one, I never really thought that I am capable of racism until I started questioning myself if I could truly tell myself that I have never in my life, been racist.à Although the movie centered most of its theme on racism, and although it made its audiences aware of some reality in life, the movie in itself did not give any ways nor did they explained how are we going to fight racism. The fact that the movie gave us a sense of awareness may be enough and in a way it is good that it did not give us any tips regarding the matter. Personally I believe that we alone could judge or determine the proper ways to fight raci sm. The truth of the matter is racism still exists; it is still there although we refuse to acknowledge it. Racism is prevalent in every society that even the most open minded of people is caught in the act of doing it.The movie showed in detail our all fight against our personal demons. It was clearly portrayed that no matter what race you are you are guilty of the crime of racism. This is evident by the way Cjristine realized later on the movie that her problem did not arise from the Mexican locksmith and maid. Rather, the problem lies within her self. In fact, the maid proved to be a great friend in the end. The inherent goodness of mankind is evident all throughout the movie. In the end, human beings were just that-humans, capable of mistake yet also capable of compassion and understanding.This is highly apparent as each character changed some of their attitudes. For one, the very cop who insulted the woman in front of her husband was the one who saved her own life. Another inst ance was when one of the black juveniles who stole Bullockââ¬â¢s car liberated an illegal Asian immigrant which remained concealed in the van There was also an instance when people of different races and color were seen in the screen (each one of them have certain problem towards that of another). Certain offensive phrases were thrown towards each other, covert biases were disclosed, and political rightness was thrown.This is one of the things I admired in the movie, it is indeed invigorating to be able to hear and feel all of those emotions on a widescreen. However, although I could say that the film is good in its own right there are still certain things to which, I believe the film failed. Although the film gave us a chance to reflect, I still believe that the way it was made was all so typical. For one, the irony of the film is that the so-called racist cop ended saving the day of the woman he earlier insulted wherein the supposedly good cop ended up killing an innocent black man. It was all there, it was already expected that this particular twist of event was already foreseen and lost its surprise in the process.Another factor is that Haggis gave us a brief glance on each character in the story but that alone was not enough. It made the story more complicated since there are so many stories you need to link together to be able to decipher the story as a whole. The brief glance we have of the other characters been too short for us to fully gauge what kind of stuff they are really made of. Due to Haggis intense hope to link each story of the characters with each other (which produce too much coincidences and luck) he failed to ignite some interest in the characters individual lives.ââ¬Å"Crashâ⬠indeed is a good title for the movie, since it already says it all ââ¬â the fact that we crash into different people without realizing that no matter how different we are from that of another, in the end we were all one (unity in diversity). Towards th e end of the movie they played an assortment of extensive music which portrays everyone on the cast looking so touching and emotional while an indie-rock song plays in the background. Basically, this particular scene in the movie was meant for the audiences to have some kind of a self reflection based on the movie we have just watched.The brilliance on the film lies on the way Haggis portrayed racism. He did not went on portraying racism as a white man always abusing that of a Black, rather he went on to show that racism is a natural phenomenon and each and every one of us is capable of being a racist without even realizing it. He did not portray racism as a sin prevalent only to the whites rather he showed us that no matter what race you are in you could still be considered a racist at some point in time. The fact that the movie did not give any explanation or tips on how we are supposed to end racism made some feel rather irritated. However, that particular lack of advice could be viewed as Haggis acknowledgement of the fact that racism is inherent in all of us and as of the moment there is still no cure to solve this particular disease.One thing is for sure though, Haggis was successful in making us realize that we are all at fault in some point in time and thus, we do not have any right to judge other people (or accuse other people of racism for that matter) since we are all guilty of the crime. We certainly could not blame others and mock racism without insulting our very own selves. It is great how Haggis portrayed each character as someone who is annoying and made us feel certain kind of irritation towards them. However, as the film progress we see ourselves reflected on the characters themselves. We then on realize that the characters Haggis made were indeed us ââ¬â humans who are inherently good yet acts bad depending on the situation which arises.à As a whole, the film made me realize my mistakes towards my attitudes when dealing with other peo ple. At times, when we are so down, when we loses hope, we failed to realize that we are exerting our anger towards innocent people and an abuse of power occurs. The film also made me realize that there lays goodness within each and every one of us. The fact that we are all so different yet so alike is a fact we often overlook. What good could too much similarity give to us? If we are all created all similar to each other then certainly there would be a lost in balance in the universe.That is the very reason why we are created alike and yet different from each other. There are things only some group of people can do. Not simply because you are different from me it already means that you are inferior and I am superior from you. The color of oneââ¬â¢s skin and the like does not necessitate that we act all mighty and superior towards other races. For peace to prevail, the important thing for us to do is to learn to accept the views and beliefs of other people. By boxing ourselves on our own personal beliefs and cultures we fail to acknowledge the beauty that lies on other peopleââ¬â¢s culture.Although our beliefs are different from that of another we must still learn to listen and to respect their own beliefs. It does not necessarily follow that by listening and by respecting other peopleââ¬â¢s beliefs we are already accepting that belief as our own. In the end respecting other peopleââ¬â¢s view would serve the best of our interest in that we avoided hurting other peopleââ¬â¢s feelings, we avoided causing commotion and we attained peace.Reference:Crash. 2005. Marina Grasic, Paul Haggis and Cathy Schulman.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Chapter Discussion Questions Essay Example
Chapter Discussion Questions Essay Example Chapter Discussion Questions Essay Chapter Discussion Questions Essay 1. Discourse the grounds that companies embark on cross-border strategic confederations. What other motives may motivate such confederations? The text notes five motivations for cross boundary line confederations: 1 ) to avoid import barriers, licensing demands and other protectionist statute law ; 2 ) to portion the costs and hazards of the research and development of new merchandises and procedures ; 3 ) to derive entree to specific markets ; 4 ) to cut down political hazard while doing inroads into a new market ; and, 5 ) to derive rapid entry into a new or consolidating industry, and to take advantage of synergisms. Each house is faced with its ain environmental conditions and this may motivate a strategic confederation for other grounds. The GM-Toyota strategic confederation ensuing in NUMMI was motivated in portion by the desire of each house to larn. GM wanted to larn about the Toyota production procedure, and Toyota wanted to larn about American labour dealingss. The content notes five idea procedures in cross periphery collusions: 1 ) to hedge import hinderances, authorising necessities and other protectionist passage ; 2 ) to leave the disbursals and dangers of the advanced work of new points and classs of action ; 3 ) to acquire entree to peculiar markets ; 4 ) to decrease political danger while doing progresss into another concern ; and, 5 ) to add-on speedy subdivision into another or uniting industry, and to work coactions. Each one house is confronted with its ain ecological conditions and this may motivate a cardinal organisation together for different grounds. The GM-Toyota cardinal cooperation conveying about NUMMI was roused to some extent by the craving of each one house to larn. GM needed to look into the Toyota creative activity methodological analysis, and Toyota needed to research American work dealingss. 2. Why are at that place an increasing figure of amalgamations with companies in different industries? Give some illustrations. What industry do you believe will be the following for planetary consolidation? There are a assortment of grounds. In some instances, companies in different industries still can portion resources in ways that create runing synergisms. In other instances, companies can capitalise on the intangible resources of its new partner- resources like trade name names and proprietary procedures. Sometimes transverse boundary line amalgamations and acquisitions accompany the deregulating of industry, as it did in telecoms. If so, a likely campaigner will be insurance, fiscal services and banking, all of which are undergoing significant deregulating in universe markets. There is an mixture of grounds. Sometimes, organisations in diverse concerns still can leave assets in ways that make working coactions. In different instances, organisations can derive by the immaterial assets of its new accomplice assets like trade name names and restrictive classs of action. Some of the clip cross periphery amalgamations and acquisitions go manus in manus with the deregulating of industry, as it did in telecoms. Assuming this is the instance, a possible aspirant will be protection, pecuniary disposals and pull offing an history, all of which are sing considerable deregulating in universe markets. 3. Discourse the jobs built-in in developing a concerted confederation in order to heighten competitory advantage while incurring the hazard of developing a new rival. Technology transportation is inevitable in confederation relationship. An confederation spouse can rapidly larn all it needs to cognize about a new engineering from its spouse. Once that happens, it no longer needs its spouse in order to carry on concern. In kernel, the first of the spouses to to the full larn the otherââ¬â¢s engineering or concern patterns obsoletes the venture. The text calls this the race to learn. In order to cut down this hazard, houses sometimes rope-off certain sensitive countries from their spouses. A strategic confederation is a hard construct in some ways ââ¬â collaborating with a rival ââ¬â and this may requires peculiar action to avoid beef uping the place of the rival. In the terminal of chapter instance on Lenovo, IBM will necessitate to do certain that the association they maintain with this Chinese company does non compromise proprietary cognition which is IBMââ¬â¢s competitory advantage. Innovation move is certain in partnership relationship. A cooperation confederate can quickly recognize everything it needs to believe around technology from its confederate. When that happens, it likely wonââ¬â¢t needs its confederate so as to direct concern. Generally, the first of the confederates to wholly take in the otherââ¬â¢s invention or concern hones obsoletes the wander. The content calls this the race to learn. so as to decrease this danger ; houses now and so rope-off certain huffy parts from their confederates. A critical partnership is a troublesome thought in a few ways ââ¬â join forcesing with a rival ââ¬â and this may compel specific activity to abstain from reenforcing the place of the rival. Toward the terminal of portion instance on Lenovo, IBM will necessitate to verify that the association they keep up with this Chinese organisation does non dicker restrictive information which is IBMââ¬â¢s preferable 4. What are the common beginnings of mutual exclusiveness in cross-border confederations? What can be done in order to minimise them? Differences in civilization can do differences in aims, leading manner, scheme, administration, control and compensation among other issues. There can besides be regulative differences in the host state that preclude runing the concern in the traditional manner. Minimizing these hard countries requires attending paid up front to the job countries. If the jobs are anticipated, it is more likely that they can be resolved in an easier and less dearly-won manner. Difference in civilization can ensue in contrasts in finishs, authorization manner, system, disposal, control and payment in add-on to different issues. There can likewise be administrative contrasts in the host state that block working the concern in the conventional manner. Minimizing these troublesome zones obliges consideration paid in progress to the issue parts. On the off opportunity that the issues are foreseen, it is more likely that they can be determined in a less demanding and less extortionate manner. 5. Explain what is necessary for companies to successfully implement a planetary sourcing scheme. Global sourcing isnââ¬â¢t merely about happening lower paid workers. In order to to the full profit from a planetary sourcing scheme a house must seek to develop into transformational outsourcing in which motivations for sourcing are examined and acted on. Some recommendations include: analyzing your grounds for outsourcing, measuring the best sourcing theoretical account, d eriving the cooperation of your direction staff, confer withing with confederation spouses, and puting in the confederation. Worldwide sourcing isnââ¬â¢t reasonably much detecting lower paid labourers. To wholly gain from a worldwide sourcing method a house must look to organize into transformational outsourcing in which idea processes in sourcing are analyzed and followed up on. A few proposals include: inspecting your intents behind outsourcing, measuring the best sourcing theoretical account, picking up the coaction of your disposal staff, reding with organisation together confederates, and seting resources into the brotherhood. 6. Discourse the political and economic state of affairs in the Russia Federation with your category. What has changed since this authorship? What are the deductions for foreign companies to get down a joint venture at that place now? This country is still fighting to set up a modern market economic system and achieve strong economic growing. The economic image in 2007 is much brighter with a billowing trade excess fueled by lifting universe oil monetary values. The apprehension of the Yukos CEO and the political forcible tactics of Mr. Putin nevertheless, have caused many MNCs to stay cautious. It appears that Russia is experiencing the power that its energy resources have given her and is one time once more endangering parts of the universe. The current political and economic clime of Russia makes foreign investing non excessively desirable, with the possible exclusion of the energy sector. This country is even now trying to make a present twenty-four hours market economic system and attain to solid pecuniary development. The fiscal image in 2007 is much brighter with a billowy exchange excess powered by mounting universe oil costs. The gaining control of the Yukos CEO and the political solid arm schemes of Mr. Putin in any instance, have brought on legion MNCs to remain aware. It gives the thought that Russia is experiencing the power that its verve assets have provided for her and is by and by enfeebling parts of the universe. The current political and pecuniary ambiance of Russia makes outside guess non really tempting, with the imaginable freedom of the verve division. 7. What is involved in strategic execution? What is meant by creating a system of fitsââ¬â¢ with the strategic program? In order for a scheme to work efficaciously, there must be a good tantrum between the companyââ¬â¢s construction, systems, and operating procedures. This procedure becomes more complex in an international scene exactly because the fit factors are capable to more cultural and environmental diverseness. Further, the cross-cultural communicating procedure discussed in the old chapters indicates that the feedback needed for strategic accommodations will be more hard to grok. Strategic control processs, which constitute a uninterrupted procedure, supply feedback to enable directors to reassess scheme so that the company can update and recycle its programs consequently. In topographic point for a methodological analysis to work adequately, there must be a nice tantrum between the organizationââ¬â¢s construction, models, and working techniques. This methodological analysis gets to be more intricate in an cosmopolitan puting decidedly on the evidences that the fit elements are apt to more societal and ecological differences. Further, the diverse correspondence methodological analysis talked about in the past parts shows that the unfavorable judgment required for cardinal alteration will be more difficult to appreciate. Vital control methods, which constitute a relentless process, give input to authorise managers to reconsider methodological analysis with the end that the organisation can redesign and recycle its programs in similar mode. 8. Explain how the host authorities may impact strategic implementation- in an confederation or another signifier of entry scheme. There are many countries of influence by host authoritiess on the strategic pick and execution of foreign houses. The profitableness of those houses is greatly influenced, for illustration, by the degree of revenue enhancement in the host state and by any limitations on net income repatriation. Besides of import influences are authorities policies on ownership by foreign houses, on labour brotherhood regulations, on hiring and wage patterns, on patent and right of first publication protection. Further, unpredictable alterations in governmental ordinances can increase the hazard of failure in a venture. There are legion zones of impact by host authoritiess on the cardinal determination and use of distant houses. The productiveness of those organisations is significantly impacted, for case, by the degree of levy in the host state and by any parturiencies on benefit repatriation. Additionally critical impacts are authorities agreements on proprietary by distant houses, on workerââ¬â¢s club criterions, on enlisting and compensation hones, on patent and right of first publication insurance. Further, unusual alterations in administrative ordinances can spread out the danger of letdown in a wander. 9. How might the variable of national civilization affect strategic execution? Use the Mittal Steel illustration to foreground some of these factors. National civilization influences everything, including scheme execution. As we have learned from the work of Hofstede and others, direction theory and patterns do non ever travel good across national civilizations. Strategy execution involves managerial patterns and human dealingss. Different attacks to people management are needed in different civilizations. In the instance of Mittal Steel, the issue involved the cultural norms of a peculiar cultural group in which the penchant was to keep household ownership of concerns. This construct ran counter to planetary enlargement and the laminitis, Mr. Mittal decided to try to interrupt with these cultural values. National society impacts everything, including technique use. As we have gained from the work of Hofstede and others, disposal hypothesis and patterns donââ¬â¢t by and large traverse national societies. System executing includes managerial patterns and human dealingss. Diverse methodological analysiss to individualââ¬â¢s administration are required in typical societies. On history of Mittal Steel, the issue included the societal criterions of a specific cultural assemblage in which the disposition was to maintain up household duty for. This thought ran counter to worldwide extension and the conceiver, Mr. Mittal chose to endeavour to interrupt with these societal qualities. National society impacts everything, including methodological analysis use. As we have gained from the work of Hofstede and others, disposal hypothesis and patterns donââ¬â¢t by and large traverse national societies. System usage includes managerial patterns and human dealingss. Diverse methodological analysiss to individuals administration are required in typical societies. On history of Mittal Steel, the issue included the societal criterions of a specific cultural assemblage in which the disposition was to maintain up household duty for. This thought ran counter to worldwide extension and the writer, Mr. Mittal chose to endeavour to interrupt with these societal qualities. 10. Discourse the importance of cognition direction in IVJs and what can be done to heighten effectivity of that procedure. Knowledge direction in international joint ventures is critical, particularly as we enter a more knowledge-based planetary economic system. The confederation allows for the transportation of cognition in order to do both houses in the partnership stronger. In order to capitalise on this benefit it is of import to get the better of cultural differences that may originate. There are basically three procedures which occur in cognition direction of IVJs: transportation, transmutation, and reaping. Successful houses in this country have the personal engagement of the major rules of the parent company and promote joint acquisition and sharing. Mention: Adapted from International Management: Managing Across Boundary lines and Cultures by Helen Deresky
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Essay Sample on Love as a Powerful Social Tool
Essay Sample on Love as a Powerful Social Tool Love is the panacea of all evils in the society. My tremendous experience with this idea has taken me to the skies. I feel my self an enriched person with the love, compassion and peace. Nothing makes me worried. I remain in peace with myself and give peace to others. My broader smiles make me acceptable in the times of the day. When night comes over my family looks my way. My spouse seeks me. My boss misses me. My friends cherish my presence in their company. In the way I walk the grim faces bloom up when they have a chance to look at my face. This does not mean that I am super human and I do not become sad. My sadness is my own property I dont want to share it with others. I know people need love, compassion and smiles and not the glooms of life. I learnt this lesson from my grandpa who used to laugh play and frolics till the time he lived up to 96 years of life. He used to tell us that love and compassion keeps us healthy. It gives us positive energy, a moral fortitude to fight anger and worries and a happy person lives on and on. I take it as psychotherapy of a person on individual level and as a social panacea for the whole of society. I am deeply convinced that every religion and faith on this earth believes in love as a basic tool of social reform. This is the only paradigm that todays dialogue on interfaith unity can take on. Society is polarizing because tolerance is disappearing. True love is the only solution to the entire question. If you need a custom essay, research paper, thesis, term paper or dissertation on Sociology or other discipline feel free to contact our professional custom writing service.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Close analysis to the film Fight club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Close analysis to the film Fight club - Essay Example As in most cases, the ending of a film plays a key role in affirming the running theme of the film to the intended audience. Fight Club does not disappoint and lives up to the expectation of the audience who are thrilled through the entire film. Scholars have identified Fight Club as a good example of conformity which is a concept that is determined by those around your circles (Wartenberg, 2012). The film seeks to analyze the extremes of conformity and the societyââ¬â¢s approach towards real human connections that are pivotal to the emotional well being of an individual. On the contrary, non-conformity is speculated to lead to alienation and rejection of an individual by the society. In extreme cases, it might lead to isolation. Being isolated in the society is the worst thing that can happen to an individual who values associated with others, but conformity denies them the chance of socialization hence isolation. The film justifies the attempts of characters to move out of the violence that ensues during each and every encounter of the Fight Club because of the urge to break out of their roles that they have in the community to unleash their anger. The pain just like anger demands to be felt in different ways among these is violence. Therefore, this paper will provide an analysis of visuals, sound, themes and motifs. Also, it will seek to provide a clear and concise analysis of the filmââ¬â¢s significance as it further interprets the filmââ¬â¢s meaning to the reader. Fight Club falls under the romantic comedy because it relates to the characters attitudes and it strives to achieve a healthy relationship. In most instances, a lot of behavior which seems unhealthy and harsh to each other is prevalent, but this does not work for them because both characters are out on the extreme end of their characters. The narrator is out for intimacy, but avoids it with by using
Saturday, November 2, 2019
North America, Latin America, The Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa are Essay
North America, Latin America, The Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa are Joined Economically and Culturally - Essay Example People from diverse backgrounds come together through the cyber-world, work together, socialize, discuss issues and keep themselves updated about whatever is going on through media. America is considered to be the worldââ¬â¢s greatest global economy, especially the Northern region, which is a comprehensive mix of people from diverse backgrounds. The major global changes begin in this region of the world and then spread everywhere quickly owing to the numerous benefits of globalization. On the other extreme, there is Africa, where growth has been minimal throughout the years, which means that globalization was also at a bare minimum. In the middle of these two extremes lie Latin America and the Caribbean where globalization and growth were at a steady rate, much lesser than in North America but much higher than in Sub Saharan Africa. For instance, Mexico had a very high rate of globalization as compared to other Caribbean States. Africa is typically seen as a place where there is a severe lack of resources and, in extreme cases, people are dying of hunger. There are huge geographical and demographic differences amongst these regions, America being the greatest developed country and most regions of Africa being the least developed. There is a huge gap in resources, culture, eating habits, kind of jobs people do, level of living of people. Americans have a lavish style of living and mostly have service-based economies, while a part of Africa is still suffering from lack of resources and a fairly large percentage of people who do not have any way to make a living. They are less educated; and in America, education is a primary concern available to all.
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